Monday, February 28, 2011

TRON: Legacy - 2010

"TRON: Legacy" - 2010
Dir. by Joseph Kosinski - 2 hrs. 5 min.

As a movie-going experience, "TRON: Legacy" is something spectacular.  Even seeing it without the 3D bells and whistles, it was visually spectacular.  As a story, it's visually spectacular.  I left the theatre kind of confused as to exactly what I had just seen.  Even trying to reconstruct the plot later didn't quite work.  I've never seen the original film, so I don't know how much (if anything) I didn't catch.  I suspect that it wasn't a ton, since this is a PG-13 movie from Disney, but I'll cut the story that much slack.  But it didn't make a ton of sense, when it gets down to the details.  In broad strokes, it works, at least partially because the only thing better than a movie with Jeff Bridges is a movie with multiple Jeff Bridges.  Despite not really being the main character of the movie (that would be his character's son), he anchors the film with a much-needed humanity (as well as playing a cold, inhuman version of himself, main villain Clu).  Also, Olivia Wilde was great, playing wide-eyed cute as a button, yet not cloying or annoying.

I'm having one hell of time trying to come up with a way to discuss this movie.  Without question, the draw is the action and special effects, and I have to say that they're definitely outstanding.  I found myself at multiple points in the film with my mouth open, just taking in the stylized digital world.   That's worth something, even if I couldn't even begin to explain the plot.  So I'll just leave it at this: if you're comfortable with a movie being not much more than a visual feast, this would be on the short list of films to see.  If that's not going to be enough, TL is likely going to be a frustrating experience.

3.5 / 5 - Theatre (2D)

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